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Ion Stefanovici, President of CAPDR: “We must no longer accept the subordination of Eastern Europe to Western Europe”

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Forumul Economic Regional Moldova – 2024

Ion Stefanovici, President of CAPDR: “We must no longer accept the subordination of Eastern Europe to Western Europe”

Between July 4 and 6, 2024, the Casino Baths Museum Center in Vatra Dornei will host the 18th edition of the Moldova Regional Economic Forum. This event brings together experts, leaders, and decision-makers to discuss the planning and cooperation necessary to achieve the strategic objectives set for Moldova 2030

The central objective of the Forum is to ensure the necessary conditions for “Planning and Cooperation on the strategic objective: Moldova 2030.”

At the opening of the 18th edition of the Moldova Regional Economic Forum, held at the Museum Center “Cazinoul Băilor” in Vatra Dornei from July 4 to 6, 2024, Ion Ștefanovici, President of CAPDR, conveyed a message of unity both within the Extended Moldova Region and with partners in Eastern Europe.

Ion Ștefanovici emphasized the need for strengthened regional cooperation in Eastern Europe and advocated for greater autonomy and revitalization of Eastern Europe within the European Union

President of CAPDR, Ion Ștefanovici also underscored the importance of investment, health, and tourism themes, which will be discussed in the three simultaneous panels organized at Palatul Dornelor.

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The message of Ion Ștefanovici, President of CAPDR, delivered at the opening of the 18th edition of the Moldova Regional Economic Forum, 2024, Vatra Dornei

“Dear friends, dear collaborators, esteemed guests, I confess today I am filled with great joy. This is the second year that my team and I at CAPDR have taken on the organization of this economic event, which this year reaches the age of maturity.

Originally organized since 2003 by ADR Nord-Est, it was halted during the pandemic and resumed in a new format in 2023, in Iași. Therefore, ADR NE is the precursor of this forum and we certainly offer them the necessary recognition and due appreciation.

It is the second year, as mentioned, since we took over, and I see how it brings together decision-makers, action-takers, project professionals, technocrats, business people, and public administration officials from the Extended Region of Moldova, encompassing the six counties of Northeast Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

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“Unlike in 2023, when we actively involved the Republic of Moldova in the format of the proceedings for the first time, in 2024, we have also invited a substantial and well-represented delegation from Ukraine to join us”

“Unlike 2023, when we actively involved the Republic of Moldova for the first time in the format of the proceedings, in 2024, we have invited alongside us a substantial and well-represented delegation from Ukraine. We thank both our Moldovan brothers and our Ukrainian guests for accepting our invitation and we welcome them here in Vatra Dornei, Suceava in Moldova, Romania. May God help us make this format beneficial for our future projects.

My dear friends, I am glad that we can meet again, that we reunite in good health, and I am glad that we meet again in times of Peace for Romania and Republic of Moldova.

Yes, we have learned to take for granted and as given all these elements. Health, good cooperation, and the ability to meet again, and above all, times of peace. But if we look at the times we live in and glance around us, near and far, we will understand that none of these are to be taken for granted anymore. They are objectives that themselves require more attention and concern from us, more recognition, awareness, and clearly, obviously, they require appropriate appreciation.

Forumul Economic Regional Moldova 2024 Vatra Dornei - Moldova Invest

If next year, in 2025, we have these conditions met again, we will be healthy again, we will live in peace, and our wish and hope are to strengthen cooperation among all parties involved in this forum and to act more decisively and coordinated in the extended format of Eastern Europe.

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Regarding the format of this event in 2025, with a stronger focus on Eastern Europe, I would like to express one thought today, and that is that I will never criticize the European project, the project of the European Union, which brings net benefits to the whole of Europe, but I will never agree with the subordination of Eastern Europe by Western Europe.

I believe that in 1990, Eastern Europe fell into a deep coma, and the 34 years of coma have led to an unfortunate situation for us Easterners, as seen in the strong migration of labor from the East to the West. This is a major vulnerability for all of Europe because, until today, Western Europe has benefited from this labor force and has treated the East solely as a supplier of skilled labor and marketplace.

It is time to emerge from the induced coma of 1990, to disconnect from the devices that have artificially kept Eastern Europe alive, and to revitalize ourselves. Only then can the entire Europe again become a balanced continent, a strong continent, and a continent that has a future worthy of its past.

The Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2024 edition, has been designed and implemented to take place through three simultaneous working panels. The first panel is about Investments and will be held here in the hall of this historic building, the Palace of Dornelor in Vatra Dornei, belonging to the Romanian Orthodox Church.

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The second panel, focusing on Health, and the third on Tourism, will also take place here at the Palace of Dornelor in adjacent rooms

I do not want to conclude without emphasizing two more elements. One is of organizational nature, and the other is of gratitude, of recognition.

From an organizational perspective of the Forum, my message is extremely direct and firm. I kindly request that during the Investments panel, you adhere strictly to the allocated times for focused interventions in each module.

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To reiterate, these should be concise interventions on the topic, not speeches. It is crucial that we conclude effectively, as this is the essence of our contributions on the subjects, within the allocated time of 5 minutes for each intervention and 20-25 minutes for the debate in each module.

As a personal example, my main topic in the Investments panel is “Arguing the Immediate Need for Legislation and Implementation from 2025 of the Public Administration Reform in Romania through Adaptation to European Frameworks and Regionalization Principles.” Just reading the title takes 30 seconds. Nevertheless, I will adhere strictly to the 5 minutes allocated for interventions.

In terms of numbers, we have over 40 interventions planned for the Investments panel, 31 for Health, and 14 for Tourism, totaling 75 interventions. Therefore, these 75 decision-makers from Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, the European Commission, the European Parliament, Poland, Croatia, and Egypt contribute significantly to the proceedings of the Regional Economic Forum Moldova through the added value they bring.

Forumul Economic Regional Moldova Investitii 2024 - Moldova Invest

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the project partners who have been actively involved in organizing this forum

I particularly want to acknowledge the management of Suceava County Council for their human and financial resources dedicated to organizing the Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2024. Mr. Gheorghe Flutur has understood and supported the promotion of investments in Suceava, including through projects related to the Moldova Region, and for this, we thank him.

Therefore, I declare open the proceedings of the 18th edition of the Regional Economic Forum Moldova. Best of luck to all participants! May God help us!”, said Ion ȘTEFANOVICI, the president of CAPDR.

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