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FERM 2024 | Ion ȘTEFANOVICI: “…The country has too many municipalities relative to the low number of citizens remaining in many localities, and proportionally, some should also be eliminated from the electoral constituencies, and thus from the number of parliamentarians”

Ion Stefanovici FERM 1 1 - Moldova Invest

Forumul Economic Regional Moldova – 2024

FERM 2024 | Ion ȘTEFANOVICI: “…The country has too many municipalities relative to the low number of citizens remaining in many localities, and proportionally, some should also be eliminated from the electoral constituencies, and thus from the number of parliamentarians”


Module I – Mapping investment opportunities in the Moldova Region in the context of attracting foreign investments and revitalizing foreign trade, 18th edition of the Moldova Regional Economic Forum, Vatra Dornei, 2024

SPEAKER – Ion ȘTEFANOVICI, President of the Center for Regional Development Analysis and Planning

TOPIC: Justifying the immediate need for legislation and implementation of the Public Administration Reform in Romania starting in 2025

In the “Investments Panel”, Ion Ștefanovici, President of the Center for Regional Development Analysis and Planning (CAPDR), emphasized the need for a profound administrative reform in Romania, based on the principles of regionalization and adaptation to the European framework. His speech was titled “Justifying the Immediate Need for Legislation and Implementation of the Public Administration Reform in Romania Starting in 2025”.

Ion Stefanovici FERM 1 1 - Moldova Invest

„I propose that we focus our interventions on the topic of Mapping Investment and Foreign Trade Opportunities in the Extended Moldova Region (North-East Romania and the Republic of Moldova), while certainly considering Romania’s economic evolution, but analyzing the data in the context of the principles and reforms adopted by the European Union, primarily regarding the administrative functionality of the Union based on Regions.

However, first and foremost, we must acknowledge the delays and shortcomings of the past 34 years. We can no longer continue to blame the past and lament in the present. It is time to complete the strategic objective MOLDOVA 2030 and to act decisively based on it”. – Ion Ștefanovici

„It is time to… carry out Romania’s administrative reform based on the principles of regionalization, within the context of the European Union’s functioning”.

The President of CAPDR mentioned that while Poland has begun administrative reforms, Romania has fallen behind. He compared the openness of politicians in Warsaw to those in Bucharest, highlighting that it requires courage to initiate significant changes.

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“We have invited representatives from the Podkarpackie region in Poland today. While Poland has begun implementing administrative reforms, we have lagged behind. It is time to cut out the root of the problem and carry out Romania’s administrative reform based on the principles of regionalization, within the context of the European Union’s functioning”.

Ion ȘTEFANOVICI: “…The country has too many municipalities relative to the low number of citizens remaining in many localities, and proportionally, some should also be eliminated from the electoral constituencies, and thus from the number of parliamentarians”

Ion Ștefanovici argued that Romania urgently needs this reform to overcome its inability to attract European funds and to streamline administrative processes. He emphasized, “The country has too many municipalities relative to the low number of citizens remaining in many localities, and proportionally, some should also be eliminated from the electoral constituencies, and thus from the number of parliamentarians.

“We have too many municipalities and politicians who no longer adequately represent the citizens of this country. The reorganization will reduce the number of municipalities and electoral constituencies, but it is necessary to streamline administrative and political processes in our country.”

Ion ȘTEFANOVICI: “There is a need for much better planning and preparation to reduce the existing gaps that Moldova is experiencing”

Ion Stefanovici FERM 2 2 - Moldova Invest

Ștefanovici also addressed the issue of regional development agencies (RDAs), which, despite their effectiveness, are constrained by the current administrative capacity. He expressed gratitude to the Ukrainian delegation and those who facilitated cross-border cooperation but highlighted that these efforts also suffer from insufficient funding.

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“Yes, we have RDAs, but they are limited in their administrative capacity. Although they are doing an exceptional job, they do not have sufficient funds available. Are we talking about Moldova? About the need to align this region with Transylvania or the region centered on Ilfov – Bucharest? There is a need for much better planning and preparation to reduce the existing gaps that Moldova is experiencing”.

In conclusion, Ion Ștefanovici made a call for concrete solutions, not just speeches.

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“We no longer need speeches; we need solutions. Administrative reform must be our priority. That is what I want to be heard from the Regional Economic Forum of Moldova in Vatra Dornei. Thank you!”

Through this speech, Ion Ștefanovici highlighted the importance of expediting the administrative-territorial reform of Romania based on the principle of Regionalization within the context of the European Union’s functioning, in order to achieve the following national objectives:

  1. Balanced regional development;
  2. Increased economic competitiveness;
  3. Enhanced administrative efficiency and transparency;
  4. Combating depopulation and stimulating local development;
  5. Modernization of regional infrastructure through Regional Development Projects;
  6. Improvement of public services by resizing the state apparatus and streamlining public administration;
  7. Reduction of public expenditures, which will implicitly lead to a decrease in Romania’s budget deficit (including recalibrating the number of members in the Romanian Parliament in relation to the current population);
  8. Adaptation to EU policies and requirements;
  9. Improvement of European fund absorption;
  10. Adaptation to climate change and environmental protection.

OM... Cu aripi fragile de fluture

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