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Modernization and Development in the Botoșani Commune of TODIRENI: Investments and Future Projects

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Modernization and Development in the Botoșani Commune of TODIRENI: Investments and Future Projects

The commune of Todireni is located in the southern region of Botoșani County and consists of 5 villages: Todireni, Cernești, Iurești, Gârbești, and Florești.

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Under the leadership of Mayor Toma Petru, in recent years, intensive work has been done in the Todireni commune, resulting in the completion of a series of investment projects that have changed the face of the commune and beautified this rural settlement. Foundations have been laid for the development of infrastructure and utilities reaching every resident’s doorstep.

In this context, except for the village of Florești, all other households in the commune have access to running water and sewerage systems, modern schools, asphalt roads, renovated human dispensaries, concrete bridges, renovated cultural centers, paved sidewalks, intervention equipment, fi re engines, multifunctional sports fi elds, free wifi , being just some of the benefi ts for the inhabitants of Todireni commune, where city amenities and the peaceful life of the countryside intertwine, creating a true haven of tranquility.

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What are the projects completed in recent years in your commune?

In our commune, several important projects have been completed in recent years, contributing to the improvement of infrastructure and public services. These include:

Investments in creating a nd modernizing small-scale basic infrastructure, a project funded by the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR), which aimed at improving basic infrastructure in various areas of the commune.
Construction and equipping of a regular kindergarten in the village of Todireni, a completed project with a total investment value of 920,220.59 lei including VAT.
Rehabilitation, consolidation, modernization, expansion, and equipping of Primary School No. 1 in Todireni. This project aimed at improving the learning conditions and infrastructure of Primary School No. 1 in Todireni. The total investment value for this project was 825,000 lei, and through it, the school was brought to modern standards, providing students with a conducive environment for education and development.â• Rehabilitation, modernization, and equipping of the Cultural Center, an investment made by the National Investment Company (CNI), with a total investment value of 1,004,005 lei.

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Modernization of local interest roads in the commune, a project carried out through the National Local Development Program. Through this project, 5 km of roads were modernized in the villages of Gârbești, Iurești, and Cernești, which are components of the commune and have access to the county roads DJ 297 and DJ 282, with an investment value of 5,010,551 lei.
Water network, sewerage network, and sewage treatment plant, a project carried out through the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR). Regarding water supply, the current situation describes a favorable picture: the running water network serves all component villages of the commune, approximately 97%of the commune’s inhabitants have access to the running water network, over 80% of households are connected to the public system, and the volume of water distributed to the population has steadily increased in recent years. Currently, only a small portion of households, mainly those consisting of the elderly or people without income, still use alternative water supply systems, such as wells.

The wastewater collection and treatment network in the commune serves a sewerage network with a length of 20 km and a modern sewage treatment and purifi cation plant. Currently, over half of the existing households in the commune are connected to the public sewerage network, and the investment value is 5,000,000 euros.

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What projects do you currently have in the process of implementation?

In the Todireni commune, we have several development projects underway, each at various stages of implementation. Here are some of them:

• We are in the process of modernizing Building B of the Todireni Technological High School, a project funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), with a total value of 1,138,797.73 lei. The aim is to rehabilitate and modernize the building to provide an optimal educational environment for our community.

“Construction of a bicycle lane”, a project funded through the PNRR, with a total value of 910,157.14 lei. This lane will be 2 km long and will cover both the urban and rural areas, contributing to the improvement of local infrastructure and the promotion of sustainable mobility.
• We are in the process of updating the General Urban Plan (P.U.G.) and the Local Urbanism Regulation (R.L.U.) in digital/GIS format, a project funded through the PNRR. The total value of the project is 527,221.17 lei, non-reimbursable funding from the PNRR.

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• The project “Ensuring participation in a quality, modern, and inclusive educational process through the provision of pre-university educational institutions and related units” aims to equip the Todireni Technological High School and the 4 state pre-university educational structures within the Todireni Commune with suitable furniture for classrooms and laboratories, as well as with digital technological equipment and resources necessary for conducting quality education. The total eligible value of the project is 1,977,612.37 lei, of which the non-reimbursable funding from the PNRR is 1,661,859.14 lei, and the eligible VAT value is 315,753.23 lei.
• The project for the rehabilitation of local interest roads in the Todireni commune aims to asphalt 5.58 km of roads in the commune, including the road connecting the village of Florești with the administrative center, Todireni. In total, 18 streets in the commune are set to be asphalted. The project, valued at 1.8 million euros, is implemented under the National Program “Anghel Saligny.” Currently, 4 km of the planned works have been executed.
• We are working on the project to build a school sports hall in the village of Todireni, in collaboration with the National Investment Company. The project is in the bidding phase to appoint the contractor. The investment is estimated at 9,529,214.36 lei, excluding VAT.

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What are the future projects for Todireni commune?

Our main priorities focus on establishing the gas network, where the plan includes expanding access to gas throughout the commune. In addition to this, we are considering the following:

Modernizing local roads: Continuing the work of modernizing local roads will facilitate access and enhance connectivity within the community.
Establishing a photovoltaic park, which will promote the use of solar energy, contributing to the diversifi cation of energy sources and environmental protection.
Updating the Cadastre and Land Registry: Continuing the National Cadastre and Land Registry Program will ensure effi cient management of real estate properties and enhance transparency.
Building a Senior Center, dedicated to the care and support of the elderly, will provide specialized social services.

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