Moldova Invest in dialogue with Cezar GROZAVU, Executive Director of the Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation
The Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation (BRCT Suceava) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that operates in the field of regional development and cross-border cooperation.
The Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation for the Romania-Ukraine Border is created by the association of the three Regional Development Agencies from the border area of Romania with Ukraine (ADR North East, ADR South East, and ADR North West).
The stated mission of BRCT SUCEAVA is sustainable development of the Romanian-Ukrainian border regions by promoting interregional, internal, and international cooperation and supporting local initiatives. Under this aspect, BRCT carried out and coordinated various actions to support refugees from Ukraine, expanding international partnerships and participating in events to counter the negative effects of the refugee crisis.
The Executive Director of the Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation, Cezar Grozavu, provided in the interview more data about the projects that highlight the capacity of BRCT Suceava to adequately respond to major crises and to support economic and social development in the Romanian-Ukrainian border region, contributing to improving the quality of life and strengthening local communities. BRCT Suceava will continue its permanent involvement in activities to facilitate international contacts and activities to help those who have arrived in the border areas.
What are the main objectives of the Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation? What benefi ts does this collaboration bring to the border region?
The main objectives of the Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation are:
- Ensuring administrative, technical and logistical support corresponding to the running of European good neighborly programs between Romania and Ukraine;
- Promoting cooperation between regions, communities and authorities located on either side of the common border between Romania and Ukraine, in solving common problems, by designing and implementing cross-border strategies and projects that contribute to the development of the respective communities, under the aspect of increasing living standards and economic development;
- Promoting good neighborliness, social stability and economic progress in the border regions between Romania and Ukraine, by fi nancing projects with visible benefi ts for the regions and communities in the regions;
- Stimulating interregional, internal, international, cross-border cooperation, including within the Euroregions, as well as the participation of cross-border regions in European structures and organizations that promote economic-social and institutional development, in order to realize projects of common interest, in accordance with international agreements to which Romania is a party to;
- Promotion of innovation, technological and know-how transfer by strengthening the link between the business environment and the scientific/technological/research environment;
- Increasing the attractiveness of the Romania-Ukraine border regions in order to attract investments and carrying out specific activities aimed at increasing the volume of private investments.
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The benefits of this collaboration include, first of all, the exchange of experience through which the border regions can learn by mutually sharing solutions for common problems, an example of this being the transfer of good practices to the neighboring country by the Romanian institutions regarding the opening of the European integration process of Ukraine in the European Union.
Another benefit is the development of infrastructure and services – projects fi nanced by the European Union contribute to the modernization of infrastructure, improving access to services and increasing the attractiveness of the region for investors and tourists, strengthening interpersonal relations by facilitating meetings and exchanges between people from diff erent cultures, promoting understanding and friendship.
What projects do you have in progress for the current year?
By the specifi cs of the activity, BRCT Suceava provides, starting with 2005, the Joint Secretariat of the Romania-Ukraine cooperation programs fi nanced by the European Union (ENI CBC, INTERREG, INTERREG NEXT).
An element of novelty is the fi rst calls for projects launched within the Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine Program, call closed on January 31 of this year. 120 projects were submitted, targeting the fi elds of education, health, as well as investments in combating the eff ects of climate change, biodiversity and border management. The non-refundable value of the submitted projects is 87 million euros.
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Launched in August 2023, the call for standard projects (projects that include an investment component of at least 500,000 euros) has an allocation of 12.6 million euros and will fi nance investments in health and education. Within this call, 49 projects were submitted, with a non-refundable value of 60 million euros.
The call for small value projects was launched in September 2023, with a budget of 14.5 million euros to fi nance activities to prevent and combat climate change, protect biodiversity, health, education and border management. The 71 submitted projects total 27 million euros, non-refundable funds.
The projects were submitted by public authorities active in the fi elds stated above, NGOs or professional associations. Each project must have at least one partner from each participating state, with a maximum of 4 partners allowed to participate in a project.
In the following period, the projects will be subjected to the evaluation and selection procedure, and the projects that best meet the requirements of the Applicant’s Guide and that contribute, in a real way, to the development of the communities in the border area, will be contracted.
At the same time, BRCT Suceava will continue its permanent involvement in activities to facilitate international contacts and activities to help those who have reached the border areas, alongside the benefi ciaries of cross-border projects who have made special eff orts to help their partners in Ukraine.
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BRCT has among its objectives the design and implementation of cross-border strategies and projects that contribute to the development of the respective communities in terms of raising the standard of living and economic development. In this regard, please provide us with an overview of these strategies and projects.
During the 2 years since the start of unjustifi ed armed aggression in Ukraine, the Suceava Regional Offi ce for Cross-Border Cooperation continued to implement and coordinate a series of actions aimed at providing support to refugees from Ukraine, expanded its international partnerships and participated, together with the important players in the fi eld of humanitarian aid, in strategic groups and international events to counter the negative eff ects of the refugee crisis.
BRCT Suceava entered into partnership with the International Humanitarian Organization “Action Contre la Faim”/”Action Against Hunger” (ACF) since February 2022, covering the counties of Suceava, Maramureș and Tulcea. The collaboration led to the implementation of a pilot project for Romania, a direct fi nancial assistance project dedicated to refugee families, by distributing cards to cover daily needs. Over 2,000 refugees received direct fi nancial aid, for 3 months, through this project developed according to the international model.
“The Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation (BRCT) plays a crucial role in promoting cultural and economic exchanges between Romania and Ukraine”
Going further in the identification of the needs on the ground and the continuous dialogue with the actors involved in working groups and round tables, in 2023 the partnership of BRCT Suceava and ACF moved to the next stage, joining the mission to improve the humanitarian response at the level of the communities of at the border.
The nomination of BRCT Suceava as a localization model in the humanitarian response (localization modeling) for Romania within the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) funding also contributed to this. Localization is a concept that recognizes the importance of local knowledge and cultural understanding in providing eff ective aid, thus promoting long-term sustainability.
In the same direction is the next international partnership developed by BRCT Suceava together with the organization Terre des Hommes (TdH) Romania with the support of UNHCR Romania. The project supported Ukrainian refugees in Suceava and Maramureș counties, by providing protection services and psychosocial and educational activities for over 200 children, young people and adults.
The above examples provide an overview of the ability to adequately respond to a major crisis that aff ected economic development and quality of life in the border region. In conclusion, all our projects are intended to support the development of communities in the Romanian-Ukrainian border region. In addition, by creating bridges between communities in Romania and Ukraine, BRCT Suceava promotes mutual understanding, economic and cultural development.
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How does the Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Suceava contribute to the promotion of cultural exchanges between Romania and Ukraine?
The Suceava Regional Offi ce for Transfrontier Cooperation (BRCT) plays an essential role in promoting cultural and economic exchanges between Romania and Ukraine, through collaboration between cultural institutions, artists, museums and non-governmental organizations from the two countries. Through the funded projects, joint cultural events, exhibitions, festivals and workshops are held to promote cultural diversity and to encourage dialogue between communities, but also the exchange of experience, knowledge and inspiration between artists and cultures.
Through all this, the common heritage of the border region is highlighted, and cultural tourism attracts visitors from both countries, contributing to local economic development. BRCT Suceava creates bridges between communities in Romania and Ukraine, promoting mutual understanding, economic and cultural development.
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What are the main challenges you are currently facing in the border area and what measures would be needed to overcome them?
In the border area between Romania and Ukraine, there are certain challenges and risks that require attention and appropriate solutions. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to continue eff orts to strengthen security, regional cooperation and sustainable development. Open dialogue between the authorities of the two countries and the involvement of local communities are essential for fi nding appropriate solutions.
The main challenge at the moment is increasing connectivity between the two countries. In response to the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and to ensure better connectivity with key neighboring countries, the new EU regulation extends four European transport corridors of the TEN-T network to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, while reducing cross-border connections with Russia and Belarus.
Interreg projects monitored by BRCT Suceava also have a role in regional connectivity, an example in this sense being the project implemented by the Suceava County Council in partnership with the Chernivtsi Military Administration, which provides for the modernization of some road sections in order to open a new point of border crossing between the two countries at Izvoarele Sucevei – Șepit. The ADR NE representation in Brussels facilitates our direct contact with the relevant institutions within the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Are there plans or initiatives to develop new projects or expand cooperation with other border regions in the near future?
As a founding member of ROFRONT – Association of Transfrontier Cooperation Offi ces from Romania, respectively member of AEBR – European Association of Border Regions, BRCT Suceava constantly promotes initiatives at national and European level that bring to the public’s attention the role of border regions and Euroregions in unitary and sustainable development at the European level. Despite the fact that border areas are generally economically backward compared to the national average, they can contribute substantially to the economic and social development of both countries. In addition, they can also contribute to reducing disparities at European level. An important role for us in this regard is played by the ADR NE representation in Brussels, which facilitates direct contact with the relevant institutions within the European Commission and the European Parliament.
How is the private sector and entrepreneurship supported in the border region?
The Suceava Regional Offi ce for Cross-Border Cooperation constantly encourages the private sector and entrepreneurship in the border region by supporting the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Suceava, Maramureș, Botoșani and Tulcea, respectively the oblasts of Chernivtsi, Odessa, Ivano Frankivsk and Transcarpathia.
Within the Operational Program Romania Ukraine Moldova 2007 – 2013, a series of Chambers of Commerce on both sides of the border have benefi ted from European funding for the organization of experience exchanges between economic agents, the organization of specialized fairs and exhibitions and have benefi ted from a much faster institutional development.
At the same time, BRCT Suceava periodically participates in relevant European events such as the annual economic forums in Poland, Ukraine and Romania, where it brings to the attention of the interested public the opportunities for cooperation in the common border area between Romania and Ukraine.
How do you assess the future of cross-border cooperation in the region?
The Suceava Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation plays a crucial role in promoting cross-border cooperation between Romania and Ukraine. It is essential that the region receives adequate funding and support from national and European authorities. The allocation of fi nancial resources for cross-border projects is vital for the sustainable development of the region. The future of cross-border cooperation must be fl exible and adaptable to changes in the regional and global context.
Innovation in approaches and solutions is essential to meet the challenges and cross-border cooperation must not be limited to economic and technical aspects. It is important to promote dialogue between communities, to strengthen human relations and to encourage the exchange of experiences and culture. The future of cross-border cooperation must address risks such as security, illegal migration, environmental protection and climate change. Prevention measures and strategies to manage these challenges are essential.
I would like to thank the Botoșani, Suceava, Satu Mare, Maramureș and Tulcea County Councils for the constant assistance provided to our organization. Overall, the future of cross-border cooperation depends on the continued commitment of all parties involved and the ability to adapt strategies to changing needs and opportunities.