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The transformation of the historic town of TÂRGU OCNA into a top tourist destination, under the leadership of Mayor Cristian Aurelian CIUBOTARU.

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The transformation of the historic town of TÂRGU OCNA into a top tourist destination, under the leadership of Mayor Cristian Aurelian CIUBOTARU.

Târgu Ocna, a city nestled in the heart of Moldavia, with a rich historical heritage, is renowned for its spectacular natural landscapes and healing mineral waters.

In recent years, the city has undergone a significant transformation thanks to development projects financed both by non-repayable external sources and governmental funds. These projects have had a positive impact on several domains: infrastructure, education, and tourism, bolstering the city’s position as an attractive destination for tourists. The local administration, under the leadership of Mayor Cristian Aurelian Ciubotaru, has demonstrated a strong commitment to the local business environment, aiming at the city’s development through the implemented projects.

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Mayor Cristian Aurelian Ciubotaru: “Our locality has tremendous potential, given the unique tourist resources, unparalleled in Bacău County and among the few in the country”

Regarding future plans, the local administration is focused on continuing and completing projects for the development and diversification of infrastructure, education, and tourism.

In the context of the favorable circumstances for assessment in 2024, please name the projects that have been implemented in the City of Târgu Ocna in recent years.

In recent years, in the City of Târgu Ocna, numerous projects have been initiated, funded either by non-repayable external funds or non-repayable government funds.

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Among the projects implemented with non-repayable external funds are:

  • Development, modernization, and equipping of operational infrastructure within School No.2 in Târgu Ocna – funded through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020;
  • Tourist valorization and modernization of specific infrastructure in the balneoclimatic resort of Târgu Ocna – funded through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020;
  • Equipping school units in the city of Târgu Ocna, Bacău County, with electronic equipment/devices necessary for conducting online teaching activities, funded through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014 – 2020;
  • Equipping pre-university education units in the city of Târgu Ocna, Bacău County, with furniture, teaching materials, and ICT equipment – funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Program C15;
  • Regional project for water and wastewater infrastructure development in Bacău County, during the period 2014 – funded through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program.

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Among the projects implemented with non-repayable government funds are:

  • “Modernization of Cărămidăriei, Viitorului, and Cimitir streets in partnership with Bacău County Council;
  • Road infrastructure modernization in Târgu Ocna city, 5.6 km – National Investment Program “Anghel Saligny”;
  • Natural gas distribution system development – National Investment Program “Anghel Saligny”;
  • Reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads to eliminate flood effects in Târgu Ocna city – National Infrastructure Company;
  • Public lighting system modernization in the city – Stage I and II – Environmental Fund Administration;
  • Construction and equipping of a Multi-Functional Nursery Center in the Tisești area – National Local Development Program;
  • Development of the local management system through the implementation of smart infrastructures at the city level – National Recovery and Resilience Plan C10;
  • Acquisition of electric buses for local public transport – National Recovery and Resilience Plan C17.
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in transportation by promoting infrastructure for energy-effi cient road transport vehicles: charging stations for electric vehicles – Environmental Fund Administration;
  • Equipping the cultural center in the Vâlcele neighborhood, Târgu Ocna city – Agency for Rural Investment Financing.
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What are the main projects currently under implementation?

As the main objective of the local public administration is to increase the comfort and safety of residents and tourists who choose to spend their time in the resort town of Târgu Ocna, the investment projection is focused on road infrastructure and tourism sectors. In this regard, we are currently implementing the project “Tourist Valorization and Modernization of Specific Infrastructure in the balneoclimatic resort of Târgu Ocna” financed through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 – Priority Axis 7.1, with an approximate value of 5 million euros, investment that includes the modernization of the road system for 23 streets, transforming Victoria Street (currently Carol I) into a pedestrian-friendly area accessible to citizens and tourists coming for treatment, complete renovation and arrangement of Costache Negri Square, located in front of the Administrative Palace, expansion of green areas by setting up modern relaxation areas in Măgura City Park, as well as modernization of public lighting and street furniture.

Furthermore, we pay special attention to school infrastructure, as evidenced by the projects carried out, as well as those related to digitalization and green projects.

What investment projects do you have planned for the next period?

For the upcoming period, through the National Investment Program “Anghel Saligny,” we have prepared and submitted the project for “Road infrastructure modernization in Târgu Ocna city, 5.6 km” and the project for “Development of the natural gas distribution system in Târgu Ocna city.”

What are the strengths and competitive advantages of your city?

Our city boasts tremendous potential, thanks to its unique tourist resources, which are unparalleled in Bacău County and among the few in the country. These include mineral waters and the Târgu Ocna Salt Mine, which is the third largest salt mine and one of the oldest in Romania. This has resulted in a continuous increase in the annual tourist flow through our area, with an average of approximately 250,000 tourists per year.

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The local attractions are complemented by the extremely rich diversity of fauna and flora in the Natura 2000 Site Măgura Târgu Ocna, which entices tourists to choose nature hikes, as well as the historical past. The front line from the First World War, which left deep traces in the area, especially due to the Battles of Oituz, attracts history enthusiasts to come and discover our region.

The air quality is extraordinary due to the location in the mountainous area, further enhanced by the presence of forests surrounding the locality. The bioclimate, one of the most pleasant in the country, is characterized as non-demanding-sedative, sparing, and tonic.

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What tourist potential does your locality have, and how can the development of local tourism be stimulated?

The local administration supports the business environment by digitizing the activities of the town hall and increasing the level of services offered online. This includes updating and improving the website to provide a wider range of public services available online. Additionally, it is proposed to develop interoperability platforms between the public administration, citizens, and the business environment to facilitate communication and collaboration between these entities.

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What tourist potențial does your locality have, and how can the development of local tourism be stimulated?

The city of Târgu Ocna is located in the north-western part of Bacău County, in a depression area, at the confluence of the Slănic stream with the Trotuș River. Geographically, the Târgu Ocna region is situated at the base of the eastern slope of the Eastern Carpathians, in the Subcarpathian area of Moldova. The terrain is rugged, with altitudes ranging from 400m to 600m. By visiting the city of Târgu Ocna, tourists have the opportunity to explore the tourist potential of the surrounding area, which includes numerous points of interest:

  • Târgu Ocna Salt Mine, one of the most important tourist attractions, impresses with the vastness of its underground chambers, covering an area of 8900 square meters, with a useful volume of 61000 cubic meters and chamber heights of 8 meters. The labyrinth of galleries stretching for thousands of meters creates the impression of a “city from the depths”. Regardless of the time of year, there is a constant temperature of 12-13 degrees Celsius, a fact due to its depth of 240 meters, making visits during hot summers or freezing winters very relaxing.
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The journey through Târgu Ocna Salt Mine begins with an absolutely impressive sight, deep underground, in an underground city built in former salt mine galleries at a depth of 200 meters, where there is a true cathedral dedicated to Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners.

The church was built at the initiative of the employees of the unit, between April 14 and December 3, 1992, in the heart of the salt massif, being the first underground Orthodox church in Europe, entirely made of salt.

Târgu Ocna Salt Mine is comprised of labyrinthine passages full of surprises, especially for sports enthusiasts, making it possible to spend an entire day here without getting bored. The facilities at the Târgu Ocna Salt Mine Treatment Base include: football field, handball court, volleyball court, table tennis, chess, backgammon, billiards, go-karts, mini-golf course, swings, inflatable slide, library.

Inside the salt mine is the Florin Piersic Hall for shows and conferences. The Salt Museum is also located within the salt mine, which can be visited free of charge. In this place, visitors can learn about the genesis, evolution of salt exploitation and processing, its therapeutic virtues, and admire interesting exhibits that remind of the past.

The main reason to visit Târgu Ocna Salt Mine is to benefit from the unique properties of natural haline aerosol treatment.

  • Măgura Park is the main park of the city, located in the southwestern part of the city, at the foot of the mountain with the same name, flanked to the south by the DN 12B Târgu Ocna – Slănic Moldova road, to the north by the Trotuș River, to the west by the intersection of DN 12A – DN 12B and the bridge over the Trotuș River, and to the east by the Slănic River. It is an area that can still develop new activities, with exceptional recreational opportunities. Here are the 7 mineral springs with therapeutic indications. Additionally, in Măgura Park, there are freshwater pools and the saltwater lake “Bottomless Lake” or the “Burlacu Pit”.

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We contribute to the development of tourist potential by organizing local events. For example, in May, the Ancient and Medieval Festival called “A Fascinating Journey Through Time” will take place in Târgu Ocna;

In June, the Auto Creativ Tuning Team & DB Drag Racing Romania – Sound House Târgu Ocna event is organized;

In August, the event called “Paths of Nature” will take place.

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