Ambitious projects in the Neamț Commune of Sagna: 30 million lei investments in water and sewerage infrastructure
In Sagna Commune, the 30 million lei investments will extend the water and sewerage networks. After the completion of the projects, the water supply will cover Sagna, Luțca, and Vulpășești, while sewerage will only be available in Sagna and Luțca.
The economic publication Moldova Invest had the opportunity to talk with the mayor of Sagna Commune, Gheorghe Iacob, about the future of local infrastructure, investments in water and sewerage networks, and his future plans. Here are the most important aspects discussed during the interview.
Mayor Gheorghe Iacob emphasized that, after the completion of the ongoing investments, the water supply in the localities of Sagna, Lutca, and Vulpășești will reach 100% coverage. Regarding the sewerage network, he mentioned that “it will only be available to residents of Sagna and Lutca, as the budget does not allow us to include Vulpășești at this stage. However, completing this work remains a priority for a later stage.”
Main source of funding: “Anghel Saligny” program
Asked about the main source of funding for the water network extension and establishment projects, the mayor explained that the funding comes from a combination of the local budget and funds obtained through the “Anghel Saligny” Program. “Both projects were submitted to the Ministry of Development for funding through this program,” the mayor noted.
In addition to the major water and sewerage projects, the mayor highlighted other important initiatives in the commune. “We have completed the natural gas supply 100% in Sagna and Lutca. We also have a project for extending the natural gas network in the village of Vulpășești, which is currently under review by the ministry. In addition, we have roadworks and two schools that are scheduled to be modernized through PNDL and CNI.”
Another important project mentioned by the mayor is the one regarding public lighting. “We have completed public lighting throughout the commune, implementing a smart system through AFM,” he said. Additionally, the town hall has purchased a new tractor, with the contract already signed.
Extension of the water supply and sewerage network in Sagna, Neamț County:
The Sagna Commune in Neamț County announces the launch of an important project to extend the water supply and sewerage network in the village of Sagna. This project, with an estimated value of 9,877,856.77 RON, aims to significantly improve the local infrastructure, thus contributing to the improvement of residents’ quality of life.
Project details
The project involves both the design and execution of the necessary works to extend the water supply system and sewerage network. The planned works include:
- Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Approvals, Agreements, and Authorizations (DTAC)
- Preparation of the Technical Project (PTh)
- Preparation of the Execution Organization Project (P.O.E.)
- Preparation of Execution Details (DDE)
- Technical Verification of Design
- Technical Assistance from the Designer During the Execution of the Works
The second major infrastructure project in Sagna Commune focuses on establishing the water supply and sewerage network in the villages of Lutca and Vulpășești
The Sagna Commune in Neamț County announces the launch of a second major project: the establishment of the water supply and sewerage network in the villages of Lutca and Vulpășești. This project has an estimated value of 19,203,298.52 RON.
Project details
The project involves both the design and execution phases and includes a series of essential activities for the development of basic infrastructure in the villages of Lutca and Vulpășești:
- Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Approvals, Agreements, and Authorizations (DTAC)
- Preparation of the Technical Project (PTh)
- Preparation of the Execution Organization Project (P.O.E.)
- Preparation of Execution Details (DDE)
- Technical Verification of Design
- Technical Assistance from the Designer During the Execution of the Works