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The 2024 edition of the Regional Economic Forum Moldova will be organized in Vatra Dornei, in collaboration with the Suceava County Council

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The 2024 edition of the Regional Economic Forum Moldova will be organized in Vatra Dornei, in collaboration with the Suceava County Council

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The Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2024 edition

The Center for Analysis and Regional Development Planning (C.A.P.D.R.), in collaboration with the Suceava County Council, will hold the Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2024 edition at the Vatra Dornei’s Băilor Casino, from July 4th to July 6th.


  1. Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments and Trade,
  2. North East Regional Development Agency,
  3. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Suceava County,
  4. Municipality of Vatra Dornei,
  5. Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți,
  6. Patronage of Small and Medium North East Enterprises from the Suceava County,
  7. Siret City,
  8. Gura Humorului City
  9. Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava.

The event will bring together business leaders, experts, decision-makers, and diplomatic representatives from the region to discuss the challenges and opportunities specific to Southeast Europe, highlighting the economic advantages and opportunities of the Moldova Region (Northeastern Romania and the Republic of Moldova).

The event will focus on topics such as regional trade and investment, innovation and technology, sustainable development, infrastructure, tourism, healthcare, and transportation.

FERM vatra dornei - Moldova Invest

For the business community: Business Matching profile component has started

To initiate the participants matching process, you’ll first need to complete our registration process by filling out our interest form. The form consists of a series of personalized questions designed to guide you in identifying your desired business objectives. It’s recommended that you complete the company profile thoroughly and provide specific details regarding your business goals to help us identify suitable partners as accurately as possible. (CLICK HERE !!!Business Matching Profile)

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Suceava County Council President, Gheorghe Flutur: We must move in this direction to attract investors.

Today, February 20th, 2024, during a County Council session, the organization of the Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2024 edition, was approved with 35 votes IN FAVOR, and no votes AGAINST. It received favorable reports from the Budget-Finance Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, and the Public Administration Committee.

“This is a meeting that we propose for three days, with approximately 200 attendees from both the country and abroad. We have previously attempted to organize such a forum, and we must move in this direction to attract investors. That’s what we aim to continue doing. The Northeast region has something like this; Iași has organized similar events, and we want to have an event where we can engage with the business community,” stated Gheorghe Flutur, President of the Suceava County Council.

County Councilor Gheorghe Iacob, representing the Social Democratic Party, remarked: “The importance of this forum is undeniable. The event holds significant importance for the county, and we cannot disagree with the organization of this forum.”.

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Ion ȘTEFANOVICI, President of CAPDR: “The close collaboration with line ministries, embassies, investment agencies, and professional associations from Bucharest and Chișinău will ensure the support and relevance of this event in the context of the extended Moldova Region.

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Ion ȘTEFANOVICI: “The overwhelmingly positive vote from the Suceava County Council demonstrates an excellent understanding by the local councilors of the current economic context analyzed from both a local perspective and in relation to regional dynamics, in accordance with national mechanisms but also in interdependence with international influences. There are no exaggerations here! This is the reality of our days, and it is time for Moldova to move away from the isolationist economic policies practiced over the past three decades.

We are making a considerable effort to bring the line ministries, investment agencies, and representatives of economic diplomacy from the diplomatic corps in Bucharest to Vatra Dornei in July.

Why Vatra Dornei? Why Suceava?

Firstly, because Vatra Dornei represents one of the major assets of our region. Secondly, because we need traceability and coherence in the Euroregion plan. If the first two elements are related to the geopolitics of the extended Moldova Region, the third reason concerns the people who practice and promote this geopolitics today.

We must acknowledge that today, Gheorghe FLUTUR stands out clearly at the top of the list of figures that matter in the governmental spectrum. And today, we must make things happen; what tomorrow holds, we shall see. In economics, there is only room for pragmatism.

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The 2024 Regional Economic Forum Moldova will provide the opportunity to identify new business partners, investors, suppliers, or potential clients to establish mutually beneficial collaborations and commercially advantageous relationships.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of the “Business matching” component of the forum, we kindly request a detailed presentation of the company you represent.

The information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Based on this profile, we will facilitate connections and discussions with companies that score optimally in accordance with your requirements.

Business matching vs. Networking.

The way you define your profile will determine the outcomes of the matching process and, consequently, your future business relationships.

Unlike networking, the Business matching process is more structured, and participants already know who they will meet, whereas networking occurs randomly. The time allocated for meetings is limited during the event, and you certainly wouldn’t want to miss those meetings that could truly interest you!

Business matching is often more beneficial than networking because it allows participants to connect with someone with whom they may share many interests and common objectives. Business matching also enables participants to research the people they will meet before the event, making them better prepared for conversation and more likely to build meaningful relationships.

To begin the participant matching process, you will first need to complete the registration process by filling out our interest form. The form consists of a series of personalized questions designed to guide you in identifying your desired business objectives. It is recommended that you complete the company profile in detail and provide specific details regarding your business objectives to help us identify suitable partners as accurately as possible.

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CAPDR sigla - Moldova Invest

About C.A.P.D.R.

The purpose of the organization is to conceive and implement regional programs necessary to support regional development policy aimed at reducing economic and social disparities between Romania’s regions compared to various regions of Europe in significant areas for development such as economic growth and the SME sector, transportation, agriculture, urban development, environmental protection, employment and vocational training, education, and gender equality.

Centralization and regionalization are two different approaches to the organization and governance of a state. They involve the distribution of power and authority between the central and regional levels, as well as how decisions are made and resources managed.

Centralization refers to the concentration of political and administrative power at the central level, in the national government, or in a strong central authority. This mode of governing a country is still very present in some Eastern European countries, including Romania.

În a centralized system like the Romanian one, major decisions are made at the central level and are uniformly applied throughout the country

Regions or local administrative units have limited autonomy and largely depend on decisions and resources provided by the central government. This model may ensure more efficient coordination and consistent implementation of policies across the country, but it can lead to a lack of flexibility and adaptability to regional needs and characteristics. Unfortunately, however, the policy of the last 33 years in Romania has disproved, through the perspective of results, the flexibility – efficiency – coherence of decisions made in a centralized system!

Regionalization, on the other hand, involves delegating greater responsibilities and powers to regional or local levels.

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In a regionalized system – in the sense of the present RDAs (Regional Development Agencies), there is greater autonomy for regions in making decisions and managing their resources.

This can allow for greater adaptability and flexibility at the regional level, promoting economic and social development in smaller regions and communities.

The role of regional development in the functionality of C.A.P.D.R. (Center for Analysis and Regional Development Planning) is to ensure balance and progress in the regions of Romania. Regional development refers to the planning and implementation of specific policies, strategies, and projects aimed at stimulating economic and social growth in different regions, reducing regional disparities and inequalities, and improving the quality of life for their residents.

Here are some important roles of regional development:

  1. Reducing economic and social disparities: Regional development focuses on reducing economic and social disparities between regions. Some regions may be more developed than others and may benefit from better infrastructure, public services, employment opportunities, and higher education. By implementing specific policies and projects, efforts are made to reduce these differences and ensure balanced development throughout the country.
  2. Stimulating economic growth: Regional development promotes economic growth in less developed regions or rural areas. This is achieved by attracting investments, creating jobs, supporting local entrepreneurship, and developing the necessary infrastructure to sustain economic activities. By stimulating regional economic growth, living standards can be improved, and new opportunities can be created for residents in those regions.
  3. Utilizing regional resources: Each region has its own natural, cultural, and human resources. Regional development aims to exploit these resources and use them sustainably to support economic and social development. For example, in agricultural regions, agriculture and agrotourism can be promoted, while regions with abundant natural resources can develop specific industries such as wood processing or ecotourism.
  4. Developing infrastructure and public services: Regional development involves improving infrastructure and public services in regions, such as transportation, communications, education, health care, and access to social services. Adequate infrastructure and quality public services are essential to create a conducive environment for economic and social development and to attract investments to regions.
  5. Promoting regional cooperation: Regional development often involves cooperation and collaboration between different regions within a country or across borders. This cooperation can lead to sharing best practices, pooling resources, and addressing common challenges more effectively.

For more information about partner selection, please visit the website.

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