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Over 222 million lei investment in Vaslui County’s road infrastructure! The Mărășeni-Codăești segment of the strategic road is ready for reception

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Over 222 million lei investment in Vaslui County’s road infrastructure! The Mărășeni-Codăești segment of the strategic road is ready for reception

The Vaslui County Council (CJ Vaslui) is preparing to complete the reception of Lot 3 within the ambitious road infrastructure project known as the “Strategic Road”

This lot covers the road segment between Mărășeni and Codăești, an essential portion of the 82.6 kilometers included in the project. Ciprian Trifan, Vice President of CJ Vaslui, announced that this segment will be officially received soon, reopening a vital area for road traffic and significantly improving connectivity within the county.

The project, titled “Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Strategic County Road Bârlad – Laza – Codăești,” is financed through the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014-2020, Priority Axis 6 – “Improvement of Regional Road Infrastructure.” The total investment amounts to 222,001,842 lei, including VAT. Of this, 213,074,058 lei represents non-reimbursable financial assistance from the European Union and the Romanian Government, while 8,927,783 lei is co-financed by Vaslui County.

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Lot 3 is one of the most challenging sections of the strategic road, as it started from an earth structure requiring extensive rehabilitation and modernization work. The completion of this segment will greatly enhance transportation conditions and connectivity between localities in the county.

Overall, the project aims not only to modernize county roads but also to create a road infrastructure suited to the current and future needs of the region. Of the 82.6 kilometers of county roads set to be rehabilitated and modernized, some sections in the communes of Zorleni, Băcani, Alexandru-Vlahuță, and Poienești are already paved. However, in the communes of Laza, Bălteni, Zăpodeni, Ștefan cel Mare, Dănești, and Codăești, many sections remain gravel or unpaved roads.

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In addition to road rehabilitation, the project includes the construction of a 1,710-meter bicycle path, the modernization and creation of 23,460 linear meters of pedestrian sidewalks, as well as the construction or modernization of 24 public transport stations. Furthermore, seven new bridges will be built, six others will be rehabilitated, along with the arrangement of a railway crossing and the construction of 204 culverts, including 15 new ones and 127 fully replaced.

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This massive investment in Vaslui County’s infrastructure will have a significant impact on mobility and road safety, contributing to the region’s economic and social development by improving accessibility and road quality.

OM... Cu aripi fragile de fluture

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