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100 Opportunities / A7: „How the A7 Highway Will Influence Logistic Flows In and Out of the Republic of Moldova”


100 economic opportunities for the development of the Moldova Region along the route of the A7 Motorway

100 Opportunities / A7: „How the A7 Highway Will Influence Logistic Flows In and Out of the Republic of Moldova”

A7 HUBURI LOGISTICE - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale100 Opportunities / A7: „How the A7 Highway Will Influence Logistic Flows In and Out of the Republic of Moldova” 2 – Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale’>

CAMPAIGN: “100 Economic Opportunities for the Development of the Moldova Region Along the A7 Highway”

Author: Ion Ștefanovici, President CAPDR

The A7 Highway will transform not only Moldova but also the Republic of Moldova, providing it with a new logistic route that will connect the country to international markets. CAPDR believes that this project will open up new development perspectives for companies in the Republic of Moldova, giving them access to modern infrastructure and new transport corridors.

  1. Enhanced connectivity with the Port of Constanța and Western Europe

The Republic of Moldova will benefit from more efficient logistic connections with the Port of Constanța, enabling quick and effective exports to international markets. Moldovan companies will have access to new trade routes that will provide them with lower transportation costs and shorter delivery times to markets in Western Europe and around the world.

  1. Reducing transportation costs for Moldovan exporters

The A7 Highway will reduce transportation costs for exporters from the Republic of Moldova, facilitating quick access to international markets and reducing dependence on old and inefficient logistic routes. This will make Moldovan exports more competitive and contribute to the increase in the volume of goods exported.

  1. Creating a logistic corridor between the Republic of Moldova and Romania

The A7 Highway will facilitate the creation of a strategic logistic corridor between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, allowing for the rapid movement of goods between the two countries. This will support economic integration and stimulate cross-border cooperation, providing companies from the Republic of Moldova access to the markets in Romania and the European Union.

  1. Opportunities for developing logistic infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova
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As logistic flows increase, the Republic of Moldova will attract investments in logistic infrastructure, including logistic parks and storage facilities. These investments will improve transport capacity and support the expansion of international trade.


The A7 Highway will provide the Republic of Moldova with new logistic opportunities, reducing transportation costs and facilitating access to international markets. This infrastructure will stimulate economic growth and improve the logistic connectivity of the country.

About the campaign “100 Economic Opportunities for the Development of the Moldova Region Along the A7 Highway”


The A7 Highway, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Romania, will represent a vital artery for the economic development of the Moldova Region, connecting it directly with other regions of the country and with international markets. As construction progresses, this highway will not only improve mobility but also create a new framework for significant economic opportunities.

In this context, our campaign aims to highlight and explore 100 economic opportunities that will transform the Moldova Region into a hub of economic growth, benefiting local communities, the business environment, and international investors.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Raising awareness of the economic potential offered by the A7 Highway, by highlighting advantages for sectors such as transport, logistics, energy, agriculture, tourism, and technology.
  2. Identifying and promoting investment opportunities for SMEs, large companies, and foreign investors, presenting concrete examples of economic development in areas adjacent to the highway.
  3. Creating a framework for collaboration between local authorities, the academic environment, entrepreneurs, and international organizations to maximize the economic benefits of this project.
  4. Providing solutions and strategic directions for the development of the Moldova Region, through these 100 economic opportunities that will generate jobs, economic growth, and regional stability.

How the 100 opportunities will be structured:

Over the next 4 months, we will present a different economic opportunity every day, providing a clear and applicable vision on how various industries and economic sectors can benefit from this new infrastructure.

Each opportunity will be structured around the following directions:

  1. Description of the opportunity – A clear analysis of the economic opportunity within the targeted sector (e.g., agriculture, energy, logistics).
  2. Impact on the Moldova Region – An overview of how the opportunity will contribute to local development, job creation, and improvement of economic conditions.
  3. Success stories – Best practice models from other regions or countries that could be replicated in Moldova.
  4. Partnerships and collaborations – Identification of key actors (public authorities, companies, investors) who can facilitate the implementation of this opportunity.
  5. Economic forecast – A brief estimate of the economic impact (GDP, jobs, attracting investments) generated by each opportunity.

Key Target Sectors:

The campaign will cover a wide range of industries, focusing on:

  • Infrastructure and Transportation: Construction of logistics parks, development of public and private transport networks, investments in storage facilities.
  • Energy and Environment: Renewable energy projects along the highway, streamlining energy transport networks.
  • Agriculture and Rural Development: Development of a modern irrigation system, expanding supply chains, and facilitating access to international markets.
  • Industry and Manufacturing: Creating industrial clusters, attracting foreign investments in production sectors.
  • Technology and Innovation: Supporting technology startups, implementing smart technologies in infrastructure.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: Promoting cultural tourism, ecotourism, and business tourism in Moldova.
  • Education and Vocational Training: Adapting vocational training programs to the new requirements of industry and logistics.
  • Health Services and Medical Infrastructure Development: The A7 highway will contribute to improving access to healthcare services in Moldova by reducing transportation time between localities and regional medical centers. This will facilitate the development of modern medical infrastructure along the route, creating partnerships between public and private medical institutions and attracting investments in state-of-the-art equipment. Additionally, better connectivity will aid in redistributing patients from overcrowded centers to new regional hospitals, alleviating pressure on the healthcare system in major urban areas.
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Promotion Channels:

The campaign will be promoted through various media channels to maximize impact and reach a broad audience:

  1. Social Media and Official Website: Presenting each daily opportunity alongside detailed articles.
  2. Traditional Media (TV, Radio, Print Press): Interviews with industry experts and local leaders explaining the economic potential of the highway.
  3. Public Events and Conferences: Organizing seminars and economic forums to discuss and present these opportunities in detail.
  4. Partnerships with Universities and Business Organizations: Workshops and informational sessions for students, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased visibility and interest from investors in the Moldova region and the potential of the A7 Highway.
  • Operationalization of the MEMORANDUM for Mapping Opportunities Generated by the Construction of the MOLDOVA Highway – A7
  • Mobilization of public authorities and the private sector for the implementation of long-term economic projects supported by the opportunities provided by the infrastructure.
  • Development of a strategic plan for the next 6 years, based on the 100 opportunities identified in the campaign and on the directions set forth in the MOLDOVA 2030 strategy.
  • Implementation of the 8 stages of the strategic economic development of Moldova through the A7 Highway. These include creating a multi-sector consortium, conducting an impact study, fostering collaboration between academia and businesses, engaging in dialogue with authorities, promoting the region as an investment hub, integrating ecological solutions, monitoring progress, and digital innovation. Each stage is designed to maximize the economic and social impact of the A7 Highway on the region. For more details, you can find here: A7 STRATEGY.
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More in 100 economic opportunities for the development of the Moldova Region along the route of the A7 Motorway

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